Konstantin Kräutler
internationally working musician and educator
based in Austria

Born 1989 in Austria, Konstantin started playing Drums at the age of 12 and soon after became member of various ensembles reaching from a local, four-piece rock band to classical orchestras in Austria and Switzerland.
He studied Jazz-Drumset in the courses of Diploma and Teaching Diploma at the Vienna Music Institute and graduated from both with honors.
After graduating in Vienna, Konstantin was awarded a scholarship to continue his studies at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. There he started cooperations that would last far beyond the studies with musicians from all over the globe and was student of Hal Crook, Alain Mallett, Jon Hazilla, Yoron Israel and others.
Back in Austria, Konstantin was awarded a scholarship for an Artistic-Research master's program in the course of composition at the Jam Music Lab University. In his master's thesis and -project “As We Speak“ Konstantin engaged himself in compositional processing of samples of recorded speech and graduated with honors with distinction.
While studying, Konstantin took lessons and attended workshops that gave him formative impulses with teachers like Jojo Mayer, Mark Guiliana or Celso di Almeida at institutions like the Collective in New York City or the Umbria Jazz Clinics.
Being a demanded musician for both Live- and Studiosituations brought him to play at Venues and Festivals like the Bimhuis Amsterdam, Konzerthaus Wien, Vortex Jazzclub London, Nardis Jazzclub Istanbul, Soppho Jazzclub Taipei, Porgy & Bess Vienna, Taichung Jazzfestival, Saulkrasti Jazzfestival or Jazzfestival Saalfelden and record in studios like Monochrome Poland, Bluescore Milano, Pavarotti Music Center Mostar or the ORF Radiokulturhaus in Vienna.
Based in Austria, Konstantin works with different musicians (see discography) and is founding member of the piano trio Owls and other formations. In the course of his band-activities he was prize-winner of the central european jazz competition and awardee in the "New Austrian Sound of Music“ program by Austria's foreign ministry.
Konstantin teaches drums and percussion in the Jazz/Pop/Rock Department at the music school Bregenz. He also leads project-based percussion-ensembles and works as the schools librarian. Furthermore Konstantin is and was leader and co-leader of different national and international workshops and clinics dealing with Rhythm and Drums (see Teaching).
Studio/Selected Discography
click to view in fullscreen

Konstantin teaches drums and percussion in the Jazz/Pop/Rock department at the Music School Bregenz. Further pedagogical activities are:
leader of project-based percussion-ensembles at the Music School
leader and co-leader of workshops and clinics (e. g. Drummercamp Vienna, Jazzensemble-Workshop at Dong Hwa University in Shoufeng, Taiwan)
Participation in music-education projects (e. g. Urban Voice Club, Die Jazzgeister – Jazz für Kinder)
On a formal level Konstantin is qualified to teach on the basis of the following completed studies:
Teaching Diploma Jazz & Popular Music (with honors)
Diploma Jazzdrumset (with honors)
Master's Degree Composition (with honors with distinction)